Ongoing Projects

Botany Bay: Culture meets Horticulture

BOTANY BAY is a Participation and Learning project that explores the migration histories of plants and crops, and their Indigenous cultural heritage in relation to ecology and reciprocity, as a way to stimulate young people to explore new ways of…

The School visits the Forest (Language: IT)

Percorso nel bosco e in classe per riflettere insieme ai ragazzi sulla molteplicità di rapporti tra esseri umani e Natura. . Attraverso un dialogo tra filosofia e antropologia nei boschi di Dobbiaco e presso il Liceo Pascoli di Bolzano, esploreremo…

Networking With Plants in the Anthropocene

A collaboration between the Consortium of Environmental Philosophers, The Plant Initiative, the Literary and Cultural Plant Studies Network, the Eternal Forest project, and other groups, Networking with Plants in the Anthropocene is a newly created network for those involved in research, education, and advocacy for respectful…

Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions

With the School of Religious Studies of CAMNES, I organized the online international workshop Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions, which took place on May 20th-21st 2021. Drawing upon animism and material religion, scholars of different disciplines (archaeology,…