Talks & Sharing

To learn more about recent and upcoming events, please also visit the page Ongoing Projects.



Researcher facilitating the third dinner of Convivial Tables on Invasive Species in collaboration with the chef Silvia Rozas at OCEAN SPACE, Venice.

“Storie botaniche. Racconti botanici dal mondo sul sentiero dei Vecchi Mestieri”, Grumes (TN), conferenza itinerante nel bosco promossa dalla Rete delle Riserve Val di Cembra Avisio.

“Alberi in fiamme: viaggio etnografico attraverso antichi riti arborei”, Grauno (TN)


“Mondo vegetale tra animismo, analogismo e naturalismo in Nord America e nelle Alpi” (Vegetal world between animism, analogism and naturalism in North America and the Alps), 3rd SIAC National Conference, Panel 20 – Beyond nature and culture: Descola’s theory of relations between humans andnon-humans to the test of ethnography and environmental crises, Rome 22-25 September 2021.

“Sentieri botanici e femminili tra tradizioni, spiritualità ed ecologia” (Botanical and female pathways between traditions, spiritualities and ecology), Convegno “Utopie dei luoghi e dei saperi”, Vigolo Vattaro (TN), Italy.


“Nature, Religion and Mythology through the Lens of New Animism”, Center for Religious Studies (CERES), Bochum University (online).


“Sacred Trees and Tree Persons: Readdressing Nature, Divinity and Personhood in the ancient Mesopotamian Material Religion”, The Baron Thyssen Center for the Study of Ancient Material Religion, Open University, Milton Keynes. Learn more.

“Mountains, Deities and Sanctuaries: Some Notes on Nature, Animism and Pilgrimage from the Ancient Near East to the Alps”, workshop organized by prof. John Eade and prof. Nurit Stadler, Agency of People, Nature and Artifacts: Religion, Animism and Pilgrimage, Roheampton University, London.

“Divine Rivers and Sacred Trees: Some Notes on Nature, Divinity and Personhood in ancient Mesopotamian Religion”, lecture given as part of the MA seminar De la géographie au mythe. Apport des texts à l’étude de l’environnement mésopotamien, prof. A.-C. Rendu-Loisel, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg.


“Mountains and Trees, Rivers and Springs. Animist Beliefs and Practices in the Mesopotamian Religion”, Altorientalisches Institut, University of Leipzig, Leipzig.

“From Custodian to Trickster: the Different Character of Anzû in the Sumerian and Akkadian Mythical Accounts”, as part of the workshop “Transmission of Knowledge between Sumerian and Akkadian literatures”, organized by Prof. Catherine Mittermayer, the University of Geneva, and Prof. Uri Gabbay, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.