Books & Essays


Edited volumes

— (ed.), BOTANY BAY. Heritage responds to Colonialism, Climate Change and Covid. London, Border Crossings 2022. (ISBN-10: 1-904718-13-2, ISBN-13: 978-1-904718-13-0). Read online

—, Laneri, N. (eds.), Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions, Material Religion in Antiquity, Volume 2, Oxbow Press, Oxford and Philadelphia. Read online

Articles in journals

—, Oriel, E. “A Dying World Tree: An Animist Approach to Ash Tree Personhood”, in M. Di Paola (a cura di), The Vegetal Turn. History, Concepts, Application, Springer (in peer-review).

—, McSherry, A., 2023, “The Mother Herb: Plant Storywork, Grief & More-Than-Human Care in Compromised Times”, Journal of Ecohumanism Vol. 2, pp. 39-53 (peer-reviewed). Read online

2022, “Alberi sacri e persone arboree nella religione mesopotamica: considerazioni antropologiche e storico religiose sulla natura animata e il cosmo relazionale degli antichi Sumeri e Babilonesi”, L. Zola, S. Beggiora, M. Amateis, C. Agus (eds.), Natura Animata. Cerimonie, feste, tradizioni attraverso tempi e culture. Studi in memoria di Enrico Comba, Franco Angeli Editore, pp. 173-191 (peer-reviewed)

2022, “‘Between the Mouth of the Two Rivers’: Holy Water, Springs, Sacred Rivers and Trees in ancient Mesopotamian Cosmology and Material Religion”, in C. Ray (ed.), Etnoloska tribina 44, Vol. 51, pp. 34-53 (peer-reviewed)

2021, “Madri, guaritrici e giudici: i fiumi negli antichi politeismi mesopotamici alla luce del neo animismo”, G. Zisa and C. Ambos (eds.), Miti, Culti, Saperi. Per un’antropologia religiosa della Mesopotamia antica, 121-144 (peer-reviewed).

2020, “Nature as Conceived by the Mesopotamians and the Current Anthropological Debate over Animism and Personhood. The Case of Ebih: Mountain, Person and God”, in Distant Worlds Journal 4, 124−136 (peer-reviewed).


Mountains and Trees, Rivers and Springs. Animistic Beliefs and Practices in ancient Mesopotamian Religion, based on my PhD thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2019. 

Book reviews

2021, Review of the book edited by A. Koch and K. Wilkens, The Bloomsbury Handbook of The Cultural and Cognitive Aesthetics of Religion, London and New York, 2020, in Material Religion (online).

2019, Review of the book by Francesca Ciancimino Howell, Food, Festival and Religion. Materiality and Place in Italy, London and New York, 2018, in Culture and Religion (online).