
In this section you can find some contributions to the thriving conversations about animism, art, ecology and storytelling. I hope you will enjoy the reading!

“We might not have wings or leaves, but we humans do have words. Language is our gift and our responsibility. I’ve come to think of writing as an act of reciprocity with the living land. Words to remember old stories, words to tell new ones, stories that bring science and spirit back together”

– Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Seeds of care: braiding plants and women through stories, ecology and animism

in E. Basile (ed.), Quaderno Trentino III-2021, 205-220.

Braiding Art, Animism and Animation: Alisi Telengut’s The Fourfold

in Counterpoint, 21 April 2021. Read now.

New Animism in the Study of Religion: Perspectives, Potentialities and Challenges

in CAMNES blog, 2021. Read now.

Seeds of Connection, Seeds of Change: Botanical Folktales for Ecological and Relational Storytelling

in Counterpoint, 24 November 2020. Read now.

Reflections on ecology, spirituality and animism through the visionary art of Beric Henderson

in The Earth Issue, 18 August 2020. Read now.

Do You Have a Blog?

If so, I may help you with contents on these topics

New Animism – Vegetal Turn – Trees and Plants in Religions, Spiritualities and Mythologies – Traditional Botanical Knowledges – Plant Stories – Art, Animism and Ecology